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تمامی ارسال های patriot1979

  1. patriot1979

    تحلیل و پیگیری تحولات عراق

    به روزرسانی جدید صفحه پوشش زنده وقایع عراق Guardian (تقریبا 5 دقیقه قبل) گزارش/تحلیلی از توماس اِردبرینک، خبرنگار نیویورک تایمز پیرامون فعالیت های مقتدی صدر و احیای جیش المهدی 2m ago Moqtada al-Sadr revives militia Thomas Erdbrink in the New York Times describes the resurrection of Moqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Army: Mr. Sadr revived his Mahdi Army, possibly one of the largest and most experienced battle groups in Iraq, and announced that under no circumstances would it be under the control of the government. [...] On Saturday he was back with his forces parading in several cities showing off homemade rockets as divisions of would-be fighters filed by in what looked like suicide belts. In a statement released on Sunday, Mr. Sadr announced that his forces would not in any way be under government control. “Despite the disagreements of some friends and enemies of the parade, you showed strength and power — you terrified them,” he told his volunteer fighters. مأخذ : [CODE] [/CODE]
  2. patriot1979

    تحلیل و پیگیری تحولات عراق

    تکذیب حمله پهپادهای آمریکایی به اهدافی در خاک عراق توسط جان کِربی، سخنگوی مطبوعاتی پنتاگون تصویر صفحه پوشش زنده وقایع عراق Guardian (زمان مخابره حوالی 7 دقیقه قبل) [img][/img] متن اصلی خبر: The Pentagon press secretary tweets that the rumors you may have heard about the US using armed drones on ISIS are unfounded. و متن توئیت جان کربی، سخنگوی مطبوعاتی پنتاگون که تصویر آن در این خبر گنجانده شده است : [left]No truth to rumors in media today that US drones struck ISIL targets in Iraq.[/left] مأخذ : [CODE] [/CODE]
  3. patriot1979

    تحلیل و پیگیری تحولات عراق

    اینفوگرافیک بحران عراق تا تاریخ 19 ژوئن مأخذ : [CODE] [/CODE] [img][/img] (توضیح : اینفوگرافیک ذیل ظاهرا توسط یک کاربر Twitter به نام Thomas van Linge @arabthomness تهیه شده است که ذیل نام کاربری خود را پیگیر اوضاع سوریه، اوکراین، مصر، فلسطین، کردستان، سودان و حیات وحش جهان معرفی و محل سکونت اش را آمستردام (هلند) عنوان کرده است).
  4. patriot1979

    تحلیل و پیگیری تحولات عراق

    خبری که هم اینک روی صفحه پوشش زنده وقایع عراق گاردین به روز رسانی شد انفجاری مهیب در بیروت در یک پست بازرسی نظامی حدفاصل شتیلا و طیونه تصاویری که دقایقی قبل به روز رسانی شده است [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [CODE] [/CODE] همان خبر در Reuters: [url=""]http://www.reuters.c...N0EY2NE20140623[/url] خبر تکمیلی که 3 دقیقه قبل در هافینگتون پُست بنقل از آسوشِیتِدپرس درج شده است و از قول یکی از نیروهای امنیتی لبنان در گفتگو با زِینَه کَرَم، خبرنگار مستقر در بیروت خودروی بمب گذاری شده را عامل انفجار عنوان می کند. BEIRUT (AP) — A Lebanese security official and witnesses say an explosion has rocked a neighborhood in southern Beirut near a Lebanese army checkpoint and a cafe. The official said the explosion appears to have been caused by a car bomb that went off after midnight. He said several people were wounded in the explosion. It was the second explosion in a week. On Friday, a suicide bomber detonated his explosives-laden car near a police checkpoint in eastern Lebanon, killing a policeman and wounding several other people. An Associated Press reporter on the scene of Monday's explosion said he saw at least two wounded people. The explosion went off near the Abu Assaf cafe, where people had gathered to watch the World Cup matches. [CODE] [/CODE] همان خبر تکمیلی بالا از صفحه پوشش زنده خبری عراق خبرگزاری گاردین (به روز شده 2 دقیقه قبل) [left] 1m ago Local Lebanese media have reported deaths from a car bombing near an army checkpoint in southern Beirut. The numbers of dead and wounded are in flux. Follow the story futher on Twitter here or here or on the Daily Star web site.[/left] [CODE] [/CODE]
  5. patriot1979

    تحلیل و پیگیری تحولات عراق

    آخرین به روز رسانی صفحه پوشش خبری زنده Guardian از وقایع عراق تقریبا 8 دقیقه قبل مصاحبه مونا محمود، خبرنگار مستقر در بغداد با یک داوطلب مردمی شیعه به نام جعفر کرار، 25 ساله در منطقه مَشتَل واقع در شرق بغداد [b]استدعا دارم دوستان چیره دست برگردان لاگ های خبری را بر عهده گیرند[/b] [left]1m ago[/left] The Guardian's Mona Mahmood (@monamood) speaks with Ja'afer Karar, 25, a Shia volunteer in Mashtal district in eastern Baghdad. He defends the presence of Shia militias in the streets of the capital. Karar tells Mona he is one of 12 brothers, seven of whom have "volunteered to fight the [Isis] terrorists and stop their progress to Baghdad": I used to patrol with Hezbulla party and Righteous League (RL) in different areas in Baghdad even before the breakout of the Mosul security crisis. I went to fight in Syria too, to protect the holy shrine in Damascus. People fear the RL militia for reasons I can't understand. I was working in my shop as usual when RL elements went on parade. I could see that people were warning each other by mobiles of being soon kidnapped by the militia as if RL elements are all gangsters or killers. They are in the streets to protect the people. After the call of jihad by the grand Shia cleric Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, RL elements began to launch a war of intelligence against rebellion sleeping cells in Baghdad. They were able to arrest nine Sunni men with long beards who were mobilising people to support Isis fighters when they come to Baghdad. There are more than 28 Shia Islamic resistance who work hand in hand with the military forces, mainly providing them with intelligence information. I volunteered to fight Isis for free cause I believe Iraq deserves our sacrifice and that that war is against us as Shia, not for other pretexts they claimed. There is no sectarian act conducted by these militias at all. The Shia are trying to show their power and heavy weapons before their enemy. Even Sunni volunteers are with us cause the know that Isis fighters are so fanatic even towards moderate Iraqi Sunnis. For a contrasting view, see Mona's earlier conversation with Baghdad resident Tareq Nabeel, 55, who blames the militias for brutally targeting Sunni civilians and non-militants. [CODE] [/CODE]
  6. patriot1979

    تحلیل و پیگیری تحولات عراق

    برادر عزیزم، صرفا تازه ترین ویدئوهای خام یا «گزارشات تصویری خبری دست اول و مناسب» را جستجو و تقدیم دوستان و همواره زمان به اشتراک گذاردن ویدئو توسط کاربر یا ارسال گزارش خبری توسط بنگاه خبری را نیز با تاکید ذکر می کنم. قصور و سهوی رفته است برادران به بزرگواری خود عفو کنید.
  8. patriot1979

    تحلیل و پیگیری تحولات عراق

    لینک دانلود ذیل مربوط به ویدئوی 7 دقیقه ای از حضور عناصر داعش در یکی از شهرهای عراق است که تقریبا 18 دقیقه قبل توسط کاربری به نام fsawarcrimes (؟ جنایات جنگی FSA یا همان ارتش آزاد سوریه) روی یوتیوب به اشتراک گذارده شده است : (از دوستان بزرگوارم استدعا می کنم با بررسی ویدئو مشخص - یا گمانه زنی - کنند که این ویدئو - احتمالا - در کدام شهر عراق تهیه شده است) عنوان اصلی ویدئو : Islamic State Of Iraq And The Levant (ISIS) Moving Towards Baghdad (داعش در راه بغداد) [url=""]https://www.mediafir...59u2apu62hh38rz[/url] توضیح: مجموعه ویدئوهای تهیه شده توسط کاربر یاد شده بالا نشان می دهد که وی از طرفداران عناصر تندرو بویژه داعش و از مخالفان سرسخت ارتش آزاد سوریه است. [b]عذرخواهی از مدیران و کاربران گرامی : بابت پُست متوالی.[/b]
  9. تصویر خبر حمله هوایی رژیم صهیونیستی به 9 هدف در خاک سوریه از جمله برخی قرارگاه های ارتش از وب سایت Associated Press مخابره شده 22 ژوئن 20:18 بر مبنای ساعت روشنایی روز نیمروز شرقی (EDT؛ حوالی سه ساعت قبل) [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] مأخذ : [CODE] [/CODE]
  10. patriot1979

    تحلیل و پیگیری تحولات عراق

    نقشه مناطق تحت کنترل داعش از صفحه اخبار عراق خبرگزاری Guardian به روز شده 22 ژوئن 19:24 بر مبنای ساعت تابستانی بریتانیا (BST؛ حدود 7 ساعت قبل) [img][/img] *** تصاویر صفحه آخرین تحولات عراق وب سایت BBC به روز شده 22 ژوئن (17:31 بر مبنای ساعت استاندارد شرقی (ET)؛ حدود 1.5 ساعت قبل ) عنوان به روز شده : تصرف مبادی مرزی غربی عراق بدست داعش [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] مأخذ: [CODE] [/CODE]
  11. patriot1979

    تحلیل و پیگیری تحولات عراق

    گزارش 3 دقیقه ای دیگری از Stuart Ramsay، خبرنگار SkyNews این بار از جلولاء و درگیری پیشمرگه با عناصر داعش در اطراف شهر مورخ 18 ژوئن [url=""][/url]
  12. patriot1979

    تحلیل و پیگیری تحولات عراق

    گزارش 5 دقیقه ای Stuart Ramsay، خبرنگار سرشناس شبکه SkyNews از اطراف کرکوک و آمادگی نیروهای پیشمرگه و درگیری های آنها با عناصر داعش مستقر در اطراف شهر مورخ 20 ژوئن [url=""][/url] ویدئویی 2 دقیقه ای شامل چکیده ای از تصاویر حملات هوایی ارتش عراق به عناصر داعش منتشره 20 ژوئن (با کیفیت HD) [url=""][/url]
  13. patriot1979

    اخبار برتر نظامی

    A-10 wallpapers [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img]
  14. patriot1979

    تحلیل و پیگیری تحولات عراق

    لینک دانلود ذیل متعلق به یک کار پویانمایی با عنوان Iraq Explained -- ISIS, Syria and War (اوضاع عراق : داعش، سوریه و جنگ) است که در اندکی بیش از 4 دقیقه بحران عراق را روایت می کند. [url=""]https://www.mediafir...canw5qj8ljlab7f[/url] و فایل word متن روایت این پویانمایی: [url=""]https://www.mediafir...e8apw8e9jn2sa18[/url] توضیح : این پویانمایی که در صفحه Twitter خبرگزاری Rudaw اقلیم کردستان نیز به اشتراک گذارده شده است توسط کاربری به نام Kurzgesagt که در زبان آلمانی معادل in a nutshell در زبان انگلیسی و «ساده ترین بیان ممکن (یا به اختصار)» در زبان فارسی است در YouTube ارائه شده است. این کاربر خود را گروهی متشکل از طراحان و هنرمندان پویانمایی، آهنگسازان و نوازندگان و همچنین خبرنگاران معرفی می کند که به تولید آثار پویانمایی با هدف نشر و گسترش آگاهی ها و اطلاعات علمی، عمومی و خبری/تحلیلی به ساده ترین و همه فهم ترین شکل ممکن می پردازند. برای تولید پویانمایی حاضر نیز از دو نفر به اسامی Martin Wackerbauer و Magnus Schluter بطور ویژه قدردانی شده است.
  15. patriot1979

    تحلیل و پیگیری تحولات عراق

    ویدئوی 5 دقیقه ای گزارش Ruth Sherlock خبرنگار Telegraph مستقر در تلعفر از وضعیت درگیری ها و مردم در این شهر و نواحی اطراف آن (تهیه شده دو روز قبل) [url=""][/url]
  16. patriot1979

    تحلیل و پیگیری تحولات عراق

    دیاگرامی تطبیقی از روند تولید نفت عراق و نوسانات قیمت نفت از 2003 تا کنون برگرفته از مقاله ای تحت عنوان «نفت و عراق : کشور از نفس افتاده» مندرج در وب سایت : [CODE] [/CODE] [img][/img] مأخذ : [CODE] [/CODE]
  17. patriot1979

    تحلیل و پیگیری تحولات عراق

    پیشتر ویدئوی 2 دقیقه ای را از گزارش Paul Wood، خبرنگار BBC مستقر در جلولاء که به همراه نیروهای پیشمرگه حرکت می کند در اختیار دوستان قرار دادم. اکنون ویدئوی طولانی تری (تقریبا 5 دقیقه) را از همان گزارش خبری تقدیم دوستان می کنم که نشان می دهد Paul Wood و فیلمبردار همراه اش، Stephen Adrain در میانه تبادل آتش شدید بین نیروهای پیشمرگه و عناصر داعش گرفتار شده اند. از آنجا که مطمئن نیستم ویدئوی حاضر قبلا توسط سروران عزیز به اشتراک گذارده نشده باشد در صورت تکراری بودن پیشاپیش از همه برادران و دوستان گرامی عذرخواهی می کنم. [url=",-BBC-Reporter-caught-trapped-in-the-Battle-.mp4/download"]http://solaris2061.p...e-.mp4/download[/url]
  18. patriot1979

    تحلیل و پیگیری تحولات عراق

    دوستان لاگ های خبری متعددی روی صفحات پوشش زنده خبری عراق در وب سایت های گاردین و تلگراف به روز رسانی شده که مستقیما در اختیار شما قرار داده می شود. پیشاپیش از مدیران ارشد و انجمنی و سایر اعضاء محترم میلیتاری بسبب ارائه این لاگ ها به زبان انگلیسی - که خلاف قوانین وب سایت است - عذرخواهی می کنم. نیت حقیر صرفا اطلاع رسانی سریع است. [b]پر واضح است که حق و اختیار انکارناپذیر مدیران ارشد و انجمنی ارجمند در ویرایش و یا حذف پُست و حتی اخطار به اینجانب محفوظ است.[/b] وب سایت گاردین تا این لحظه [CODE] [/CODE] 3.41pm BST After President Obama's Iraq speech yesterday, the White House is scrambling to undo his suggestion that air strikes against Isis are conditional on decisive steps by the Iraqi government to bring Sunni Iraqis into the fold, Guardian US national security editor Spencer Ackerman (@attackerman) writes: While Obama held the strikes, long desired by Baghdad, in reserve while sharply pressuring Nouri al-Maliki's government to abandon sectarianism, a senior official insisted to reporters after the speech there was no "strict conditionality." Maybe not, but that's not stopping one of Obama's key legislative surrogates from insisting on one. Spencer points to a statement today by Senator Carl Levin, the Democratic chairman of the armed services committee, explicitly saying there shouldn't be any air strikes on behalf of a government that persecutes a sizeable contingent of its own civilians. Levin said: While it is not realistic to expect that a unity government could be formed in the near term, we should expect Iraqi leaders to take concrete steps in that direction before we undertake any air strikes or other direct action. In particular, we should only act if leaders of all elements of Iraqi society – Shia, Sunni, Kurds and religious minorities – join together in a formal request for additional military support. There is an obvious need for Iraqi leaders to form an inclusive unity government for their country’s long-term success. But that process is likely to take some time, weeks or even months. But a unified statement requesting our further military assistance would be an important signal that Iraq’s leaders understand the need to come together. The United States has national security interests in Iraq. But further military involvement there will not serve those interests unless Iraq begins moves toward the inclusiveness and unity that are necessary if our involvement is to succeed. Updated at 3.45pm BST 3.07pm BST US intelligence officers have access to "round-the-clock coverage" of Isis activities in Iraq through a network of drones, satellites, and intercepted phone calls, a senior official has told Foreign Policy magazine. The military personnel headed to Iraq – as many as 300, Obama said – will work alongside Iraqi military forces in special intelligence centers, using drone video feeds and spy satellite photographs to track and attack ISIS fighters. They'll also be in a prime position to help carry out US airstrikes the moment Obama orders them. It adds: It would take the United States probably several months to set up networks of Iraqi spies who could further help locate ISIS positions or even identify individual leaders. But that, too, could be in the offing. Current and former officials have said that the administration is considering setting up so-called intelligence "fusion cells," or teams of analysts that use satellite imagery, intercepted communications intelligence, video footage from drones, and information from human sources to help target enemy forces. The more sources of information are added into the mix, the more nuanced -- and potentially useful -- the intelligence becomes. 2.49pm BST Clashes with Sunni Muslim militants have killed 34 Iraqi security forces members in Al-Qaim, on the Syrian border, AFP reports citing officials. The fighting broke out late Thursday night and continued until around noon Friday, with militants in control of most of the town, security forces officers and a local official said. The identity of the militants was not immediately clear. But the official, Farhan Farhan, appealed to the government for arms "stronger than the weapons that Isis has," a reference to the jihadist Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. Witnesses said families had begun to flee Al-Qaim. Militants said to be loyal to Syrian rebel groups took control of the nearby Al-Qaim border crossing on Tuesday, the second crossing the government has lost since 9 June. 2.45pm BST Summary Here's a summary of the main developments today: Iraq's most senior Shia cleric has called for the creation of a new “effective” government, increasing pressure on prime minister Nouri al-Maliki. In his Friday sermon Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani wrote that Iraq needed a new government that avoided "past mistakes". Young British and Australian men have appeared in an Isis video encouraging Muslims to become jihadists in Iraq and Syria. The slickly produced video fuelled fears that the crisis in Iraq poses a security threat to the west. The crew of an Iraqi helicopter gunship kmistook a police patrol for insurgents opened fire on it and several houses, killing a civilian. The incident took place in Dhuluyiyah, a town north of Baghdad seized by Sunni insurgents in a lightning sweep last week but subsequently retaken by government forces. France's Foreign Minister Laurent Fabious called for the formation of a unity government in Iraq with or without Maliki. "If you want to fight terrorist groups there has to be national unity," he said. Barack Obama announced that up to 300 “military advisers” will be sent to help Iraq's beleaguered army repel the advance of Sunni insurgents, but insisted the US would not be dragged into another bloody war in the country. Their mission is likely to spread to the selection of targets for any future air strikes, but Obama stopped short of accepting a plea from Baghdad to order US air power into the skies over Iraq immediately. US Secretary of State John Kerry said he will travel to Europe and the Middle East to consult partners "face to face" on finding a diplomatic solution. He said: "Our efforts will only be successful if Iraqi leaders rise above their differences and come around and embrace a political plan that defines Iraq’s future through the political process, not through insurgency and conflict." Iraqi forces have blocked an imminent threat to Baghdad, which means they no longer require immediate US air strikes, according to a senior ally of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. "The US was prepared to bomb certain positions, but once the danger to Baghdad was removed, it bought time,” the unnamed politician told Reuters. وب سایت تلگراف تا این لحظه [CODE] [/CODE] Latest 17.10 Vladimir Putin has offered Russia's "complete support" to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in the fight against Isis-led insurgents, according to a statement from the Kremlin. As yet, there is no detail on what such an offer means - will the Russian leader seize the opportunity to step in with the help the US has so far refused? As well as an opportunity for a little geopolitical one-upmanship, Mr Putin also has his beleaguered ally Bashar al-Assad to think about - should Isis be victorious in Iraq, it will be far harder for the Syrian leader (like Maliki, also a Shia, though of the Allawite sect) to hold on to power across the border. 17.03 Over the border in Syria, Isis fighters have captured key towns adjoining the territory that the al-Qaeda splinter group has already seized in Iraq, according to British-based monitoring group the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The Islamists, whose declared aim is to establish an Islamic caliphate across Syria and Iraq, took over the towns of Muhassan, Albulil and Albuomar, the group said. Isis, which opposes Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, has also been fighting rival rebel groups in Deir al-Zor, an oil-producing eastern province of Syria devastated by the three-year-old civil war. The newly captured towns are in an area running along the Euphrates River that links Syria and Iraq and are significant because they are close to Deir al-Zor's military airport and the Syrian city of al-Mayadin, the Observatory's Rami Abdurrahman said. "If you control al-Mayadin, this means there are no more important cities except Abu Kamal out of (Isis) control," in the province, he said, referring to another town close to the Syria-Iraq border. "They are pushing forward." Muhassan, which is just over 60 miles from the border with Iraq, is an important position for any attempt to capture the airport, he added. 16.50 As blame continues to fall on Iraq's prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, for fuelling the crisis with a series of allegedly sectarian policies, Foreign Affairs, the magazine of US think tank the Council on Foreign Relations, has published an analysis, How Maliki lost Iraq: The slow collapse of a sectarian truce. It says that Iraq's Sunnis have also contributed to the rise of Isis and the chaos engulfing the country, but notes a series of errors by the Shia prime minister to conclude that "it is Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki who bears responsibility for the current debacle": "His self-defeating security strategy in the Sunni-majority areas during his second term in office squandered the security gains enabled by the United States’ military surge between 2007 and 2009. Maliki’s counterinsurgency policies, particularly in Anbar province, were debilitating for the Iraqi military’s morale and alienating for the local population and the country’s Sunni population more generally. Maliki placed the Iraqi military stationed in Ninewa province under the control of officers who were personally loyal to him but were otherwise incompetent or implicated in vicious crimes. ... As a result, the military was quickly depleted of morale and cohesion, and the local population lost confidence in the central government. Because of Maliki’s autocratic policies and the Iraqi military’s incompetence, the Islamist insurgency in Sunni-majority areas of Iraq was never entirely stamped out, and it had plenty of opportunity to regroup and spread. Baghdad’s brutality primed Sunni tribes across the country for revolt. And, this year, tribal groups and military groups formerly associated with the Baath party regime of Saddam Hussein posted videos to the Internet pledging to fight to overthrow the central government. As Maliki’s government kept a close watch on Anbar, ISIS built up its presence in the neighboring Nineveh province -- home to Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city -- with relative impunity. ... There were many such signals of Sunni discontent, but Maliki ignored them all. His political strategy was based on fragmenting Sunni groups, rather than encouraging them to unify into a constructive political force. Maliki exploited a controversial court ruling to deprive the cross-sectarian but predominantly Sunni Iraqiya coalition from attempting to form a government following the 2010 election, even though it had won a plurality of seats in parliament. In the months afterward, he repeatedly used dubious or contrived criminal and corruption charges to expel senior Sunni leaders (such as former finance minister Rafi al-Issawi) from the political process. It’s true that a unified Sunni political leadership would have posed a challenge to Maliki’s political ambitions. But it also would have given Sunnis throughout Iraq an opportunity to express their grievances about the central government in constructive fashion. In the absence of a credible political leadership in Baghdad, frustrated Sunnis became more susceptible to militant and revolutionary rhetoric. 16.37 UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has effectively endorsed Barack Obama's decision to hold off from ordering air strikes in Iraq, saying that any such action would likely be futile or could even backfire. "Military strikes against (Isis) might have little lasting effect or even be counter-productive if there is no movement towards inclusive government in Iraq," Mr Ban warned in a speech to the Asia Society on Syria. The Iraqi government has requested US air strikes to help quell the insurgency by Sunni Islamists, but Mr Ban urged the country's feuding communities to unite against the extremists and to refrain from engaging in retaliatory violence in the face of the "barbaric attacks" by Isis. "Sectarian warfare is a disaster for all it generates a vicious circle," he said. Mr Ban also addressed concerns that both Iraq and Syria could be dragged into the abyss as Isis attempts to establish an Islamic caliphate across the two neighbours. He said "suddenly, the cohesion and integrity of two major countries, not just one, is in question." He also called for a UN arms embargo on all Syrian parties. 16.22 BREAKING: 30 Shia militia men have been killed in clashes with insurgents who attacked the town of Muqdadiyah northeast of Baghdad, according to local officials. The fighting began this morning and eased later in the day with security forces still in control of Muqdadiyah, AFP reported, citing a police colonel and a doctor. Muqdadiyah is the capital of Diyala province, where Isis has taken control of a number of towns in the past week. [b] death-white عزیز، پس از پیوستن ام به باشگاه پیرمردهای وب سایت دیگر آنقدر انرژی و تمرکز ندارم که بتوانم به برگردان متون خبری نیز رسیدگی کنم. اگر جوان ترها بر من پیرمرد منت گذارده و زحمت برگردان چکیده ای از اخبار را متقبل شوند سپاسگزار خواهم شد.[/b]
  19. patriot1979

    تحلیل و پیگیری تحولات عراق

    جدولی از شاخص های بازار سهام و بهای دلار آمریکا و طلا در بازارهای هند مقاله خبری/تحلیلی دیگری با عنوان «عراق در آتش جنگ : پنج علت عدم نگرانی درباره بازارهای هند» مندرج در وب سایت [CODE] [/CODE] [img][/img] مأخذ: [CODE] [/CODE] *** دیاگرام جالبی از نوسان شاخص Nasdaq طی/ پس از سخنرانی اخیر اوباما درباره نحوه دخالت نظامی احتمالی آمریکا در بحران عراق مقاله ای خبری/تحلیلی تحت عنوان : نوسان شدید سهام پس از اعلام تصمیم آمریکا برای مداخله در عراق و بازیابی نهایی آرامش و ثبات بازار مندرج در وب سایت [CODE] [/CODE] مأخذ: [CODE] [/CODE] [img][/img]
  20. patriot1979

    مستندي از بالگرد تهاجمي آپاچي

    آقایان، برادران، سروران ... دوستان ... باید از خود شرم کنیم که خصم دون پشت مرزهای مان ایستاده و با تمام توان به ما چنگ و دندان نشان می دهد و ما، برادران یک خاک، یک تن و از یک ریشه اینجا به چه کاری مشغول ایم ... ؟ اگر نتوانیم برای دقایقی با محبت و بردباری و تعقل با یکدیگر گفتگو کنیم چه انتظاری از ما می رود که سر این مملکت را به ثریا برسانیم!؟
  21. patriot1979

    تحلیل و پیگیری تحولات عراق

    ویدئویی که کمتر از یک ساعت قبل روی یوتیوب اپلود شده است و درگیری نیروهای عراقی را در تلعفر با عناصر داعش نشان می دهد که گویا تلفات سنگینی نیز به داعش وارد آورده است. [url=""]https://www.mediafir...5sn5ca44byaan20[/url]
  22. patriot1979

    تحلیل و پیگیری تحولات عراق

    و باز یک ویدئو کوتاه دیگر از انفجار در باجی که با زاویه بسیار بدی گرفته شده است [url=""][/url]
  23. patriot1979

    تحلیل و پیگیری تحولات عراق

    ویدئوی کوتاه دیگری که گفته می شود مربوط به درگیری و انفجار در پالایشگاه باجی است اما گاردین می گوید نمی تواند این مسأله را تایید کند [url=""][/url] اولین ویدئوی منتشره گاردین از حضور داعش در نزدیکی تأسیسات نفتی باجی در حالی که سوار بر دوجین ماشین به غنیمت گرفته شده از نیروهای عراقی اند (حوالی 20 دقیقه قبل) [url=""]http://solaris2061.p...ير.mp4/download[/url] این ویدئو نیز حوالی دو ساعت قبل روی یوتیوب اپلود شده و وضعیت بعقوبه را نشان می دهد [url=""]http://www.mediafire...s-on-Baquba.mp4[/url]
  24. patriot1979

    تحلیل و پیگیری تحولات عراق

    گاردین می گوید که بخش اعظم تأسیسات نفتی باجی عراق بدست داعش افتاده است. Militants control most of Baiji refinery Sunni militants have taken control of most of Iraq's largest oil refinery, located in Baiji in northern Iraq, an official at the refinery told Reuters. "The militants have managed to break in to the refinery. Now they are in control of the production units, administration building and four watch towers. This is 75% of the refinery," an official speaking from inside the refinery said. He says clashes continue near the main control room with security forces. [CODE] [/CODE]
  25. patriot1979

    تحلیل و پیگیری تحولات عراق

    ویدئوی دیگری که توسط عوامل داعش در حین حمله به تکریت گرفته شده است (زمان اپلود در یوتیوب : 17 ساعت قبل) [url=""][/url] این ویدئو نیز نیروهای داعش را در نخستین لحظات ورود به شهر تکریت نشان می دهد (زمان اپلود در یوتیوب : 10 ساعت قبل) [url=""][/url]