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به خاطر دقت بالای سلاح گلنگدنی دست پر و دست ساز بودن اغلب شون ... بله !


اما خوب به مرور تجهیزات به روزشدند و الان تجهیزات بسیار دقیقی هست در عرصه تک تیراندازی که دست کمی از سلاح گلنگدنی ندارند 



البته گلنگدن که همه سلاح ها دارند، فکر کنم منظور شما برنو و اینا بود ... گلنگدنی تک تیر ...


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به خاطر دقت بالای سلاح گلنگدنی دست پر و دست ساز بودن اغلب شون ... بله !


اما خوب به مرور تجهیزات به روزشدند و الان تجهیزات بسیار دقیقی هست در عرصه تک تیراندازی که دست کمی از سلاح گلنگدنی ندارند 



البته گلنگدن که همه سلاح ها دارند، فکر کنم منظور شما برنو و اینا بود ... گلنگدنی تک تیر ...


یا حق


فکر کنم میخواست بگه سلاح های دستی


این نوع سلاح ها به خاطر اینکه دارای پس زنی گلوله نیستن با دست مسلح میشن و با دست هم پوکه از سلاح خارج میشه . برای فواصل بسیار دور این نوع سلاح ها دقت عالی دارن به خاطر اینکه تمام قدرت انفجار کارتریج صرف جلو زدن گلوله میشه

برونو و غیره فکر کنم بیشتر سلاح های تک زنی باشه و شارپ شوتینگ البته اگه متوجه بشید

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تا اونجایی که من میدونم دقت تفنگ های گلنگدن دستی به خاطر اینه که قطعات متحرک کمتری توی مکانیزمشون وجود داره،سلاح های نیمه اتوماتیک حالا چه عقب نشینی کوتاه چه پیستون گازی برای دقت طراحی نشدن،مثلا تفنگ model82a1 تحرک لولش باعث کم شدن دقتش میشه چون که روی چرخش گلوله تاثیر میزاره{لوله ی اسلحه وقتی سوزن خورد به ته گلوله و انفجار رخ داد قبل از اینکه گلوله از لوله خارج بشه تا نیم سانتیمتر به عقب حرکت میکنه که باعث میشه خان به سمت گلوله حرکت کنه و روی چرخش گلوله تاثیر میزاره} و نیمه اتوماتیک بودنش به دلیل اینه که یه تفنگ ضر تجهیزاته که برای از کار انداختن خودرو طراحی شده و در صورت مواجه با هدف متحرک اگر گلوله ی اولش خطا رفت زمان کمتری لازمه تا گلوله ی بعدی رو به سمت هدف شلیک کنه و قطعا هدف های از این قبیل از هدف های انسانی حجم کمتری دارن و در نتیجه تفنگ دقت زیادی لازم نداره،در صورتی که خود شرکت برت تفنگ گلنگدن دستی model99 که کالیبرش با model82a1 یکی هست رو ساخته که 3 تا 4 برابر دقیق تره.

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البته اینکه پیرمردی مثل برنو رو بذاریم کنار اسلحه های روز کمی کم‌لطفی هستش...

ولی در حال حاضر تک تیرانداز یا کلا کسی که قراره شارپ‌شوتر باشه، چند دسته‌ی مختلف داره که فقط یکی از این دسته ها از اسلحه‌ی به قولی دستی یا غیر اتوماتیک استفاده میکنه و بقیه اینجوری نیست...

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به هر حال اکثر تک تیراندازها ترجیح میدن از اسلحه های گلنگدنی استفاده کنن :)


معمولا تک تیراندازه های پلیس و شهری ، از سلاح های نیمه اتوماتیک مثل HK PSG-1 استفاده می کنن

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تفنگه های نیمه اوتومات در ج.ج.دو :


AVS-36 ؛ شوروی .


SVT-40 ؛ شوروی .


G-41,G-43 ؛ آلمان نازی .


M-1 Carabine ؛ آمریکا .


تفنگهای گلنگدنی :


Carcano از ایتالیا .


Zb. v.z. 24 از رومانی .


لی انفیلد و EM-2 و 3 از انگلستان .


ام 1903 جانسون ، انگلستان .


ماوزر از آلمان .


موسین از شوروی .


و ...

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این چیزیه که من پیدا کردم:

The Bolt Action
All things being equal, a bolt action is the
most accurate action one can have on a rifle.
Here's why.
In the early 1960s, I pooled money with my
boyhood squirrel-hunting companions Joe
Remarke and Vic Evaschuk to buy a single-shot,
bolt-action .22 rifle. Our arrangement was that one
of us stalked forward until he had a shot and then
turned the rifle over to another. If you missed, it
could be an hour before it was your turn again,
and any bu shy-t ail you saw during the interim
laughed at your predicament. No un armed boy
likes being the bun of squirrel humor.
Seriously, though, shooting in su ch disciplined
circumstances meant each sho t counted
and resulted in one squi rrel bagged for each
shot fired. It was phenomen al shooting .
A year or two lat er, whe n we all ha d parttime
job s, we purchased .22 automat ics-Joe
got a Ruger , Vic go t a Browning, an d I a
Remington-and ou r shooti ng we nt to hell .
We'd lost th e mental focu s required for oneshot
There's so meth in g p sychologic al ab ou t
bolting a rifle-a kind of finality, a bonding of
spir it with task th at isn 't present with any other
rifle action.
Bolting a r ifle also r esults in seat ing a
cartr idge in a c h amber mo re firmly a n d
consistently than any othe r action. T hink abo ut
how it feels whe n th e locking lug s engage and
your palm presses the bolt handle downward.
That action doesn't just "move" into place, nor
is it pu shed th ere by spri ng action . No, as the
bolt ro ta tes downward, th e ac tion te ns es and
locks snug ly. Provided th e ac tion is true and
stra ig h t , t hi s canno t h elp but lead t o
consistency, and remember th at accu racy equals
consistency and vice versa.
Whe n it comes to the bo lt bein g true and
straight, thi s is one of th e first areas for tuning.
Quality bolt gu n s sh ould have lo cking lugs
lapped so th ey bear p er fectl y against mating
surfaces. All lugs should be uni formly in contact
TH E S N IP E R ' S R I F L E 51
and th e facing surfaces polish ed smooth. The
b ol t fac e is p erf ectly fl at so that a se at ed
cartr idge is not wedged or twisted out of line in
the chamber when its base rests against th e bolt.
Behind th at bolt face is th e firing pin, and its
p erformance, too, imp acts directly on r ifl e
accuracy. L ock time, which is the tim e that
passes between your finger releasing th e sear"
brea king th e sho t" - and th e firing pin striking
th e primer, is a reflection of rifle quality. A fast
lock tim e is needed so th e rifle has no time to
move between th e in stan t you pull th e trigger
and a split-second later when it actually fires.
Acceptable lock time re sults from bolt design
and usin g proper lubricants. Lock times may
va ry from .00 2 2 to .0057 of a second. The
qu ality snipe r rifles cited here have acceptable
lock times.
There can be no quest ion that America's
mo st popular sn ip e r ri fl e action is the
Remington 700. In Vie tnam, bo th Army and
Marine snipers used heavy-b arreled Remington
700s, a practice th at continues to th is day.
The USMC M40A3 re presents th e 700's
latest evolutio n . Unlike its Vie tnam gra ndfather,
however, th e newer version is han d-built
by ta lented Marine te chnician s at Quan tic o's
Precision Weapons F a cility. H er e they
in corporate a Schneider match-grade stainless
h e avy ba rr el alo ng wit h a n epoxy -bedded
McMillan A-4 sto ck and Picatinny rail , which
ca n accommodate d ay or night op t ics . The
final product is 2 pound s heavi er than the
ea rlier vers ion, with most rifles shooting better
th an 1 MOA.
The Army's M24 Snipe r Weapon System,
also based on the Remington 700, may look
similar but th ere are man y differences. To allow
co nve rs ion to .300 \X'inchest er Magnum, th e
Arm y rifle uses a long action even though most
rifl es are chamber ed fo r .308 (7 .62x51mm).
T h ese guns, developed by Remington's John
Rogers, incorporate an alumin um bedding
block and an H.S. Precision stock adjustable for
length. The NCOIC o f the Army Snip er
School , MSgt. Kurt Judson, says this rifl e
shoots so well that "it almost sho ots it sel f."
Remington is now marketing th e M24 to police,
ei the r as a complete sys tem or the rifl e on ly.
Recently Remington updated thi s rifle into the
N124A2 co nfiguratio n, wh ich adds a rugged,
de tacha ble box magazine, overs ize boIt kn ob ,
Picatinny rail, and optiona l su ppressor, while
also fitting it to a new adjustable stock.
T ho ug h both th e Mar ine and Army rifl es
employ Harris bip ods, and both sys tems use
l Ox fixed scopes with Bullet Drop Compensato
rs (BDCs), th e Army prefer s the Leupold
Mark 4 M3s while th e Mar ines use the Unertl.
In recent years, h owever, some Marine ri fles
have been topped by th e AN/PVS- I 0 day/night
scope as well as Leupold s.
Most U.S. police age ncies I've instructed or
worked with use Remingt on 700s- pr imar ily
th e company's own Mode l 70 0 P (Po lice),
althoug h a few, like the Sec ret Serv ice and U.S.
Mar sh als tacti c al t eam , h ave the m ore
sophisticated Remington Model 40-XS tactical
rifle. A standard Remington police rifle typi cally
shoo ts abo ut 1MOA.
Many cus tom sniper r ifle builder s use th e
Remington 70 0 action-Robar, McMilla n,
AWC, H.S. Precision , and Brown Precision , to
name a few. These r ifles may re semble th e
"ordina ry" 700, but th ey've been finely tuned
fo r peak perform an c e . R obbie Barrkman
gua rantees his SR-90 rifles to shoot 1/2 MOA
when firing match-grade ammunition.
The only criticism I' ve en countered with
Remington 700s concerns th e extractor. Rumors
abo und that this thin, stamped metal blade is
prone to failure , bu t despite owning a half-dozen
700s, shooting man y others, and working with
hundreds of police and military snipers, I have
never enco unte red anyone who experienced such
a failure. Still , jus t to ens ure th at th is ca nno t
happen , McMillan replaces th e standard Remingto
n boIt on its cus tom rifles with a Mause rtype
bolt featuring a large claw extrac tor.
Altho ugh M a r ine sn ipe r le gend C a rlos
Hath cock accumulated his 93 kills using a Winches
ter Model 70 bolt-action, very few police or
militar y snipers use this rifle toda y. Winc heste r
does not market a special police sniper rifle, but
a r el ated company, F N H, re ce n t ly began
building a variety of high-end sniper rifles that
use the Model 70 acti on . The FN A3G and FN
A4 Shooting Systems use McMillan adjustable
stocks, with the latter version selected by th e
FBI for its SWAT team s.
Savage Arms has developed tactical versions
of its well-established 110 action, called the Law
Enfor cement Series. I purch ased one of their
early rifles in .22 3 and found it an hon est 3/4
MOA rifle, quite an achievement for a modestly
priced gu n . M ore r ec entl y Sav ag e h a s
in corporated a McMillan or my own Choat e
stock along with th eir superb AccuT rigge r to
field a rifle th at's surprisingly accura te at a very
reaso nable pri ce. Thou gh I receive no royalties,
I'm delighted at th is gun's pe rformance. It warecently selected as the New York State Police
SWAT sniper rifle.s
شرمنده من الان وقت ترجمه کردن ندارم.

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میهای آیلیچ سورکوف، بهترین تکتیرانداز ج.ج.2 ، با آمار رسمی 702 کشته:



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من اسم سیمو هایا رو شنیده بودم این از کجا پیداش شد 



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ردیف 4 هم؛ اسم های ها ذکر شده.

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ردیف 4 هم؛ اسم های ها ذکر شده.

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